Currently, Malaysia ranks among the top five markets globally that lead in integrated reporting (IR) adoption. As the national advocate of IR, MIA undertakes several initiatives to create further awareness and encourage increased adoption of IR in Malaysia. These range from education to collaboration with other regulators to producing our own IR as a role model for other adopters.

IR Education

As the International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) Training Foundation Partner, MIA is licensed to provide approved integrated reporting training courses in multiple markets. For 2019, MIA successfully delivered a series of IR workshops that comprised a one-day course on Introduction to IR and a three-day course on Practical Guide on Implementing IR. These workshops prepared new adopters for the IR journey and enabled early adopters to identify and address the gaps in their integrated thinking and reporting.

What’s in the Report

For 2019, MIA successfully released its third integrated report which explains how the Institute creates value – by strengthening the regulation and development of the accountancy profession to support nation-building, in line with the powers granted by the Accountancy Act 1967.

Our IR narrates our ongoing journey of nation-building over the year, and explains our future outlook and risks. The IR has been prepared in accordance with the International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) International Integrated Reporting Framework to provide a comprehensive yet concise overview of how MIA creates value using its capitals – human capital, intellectual capital, social and relationship capital, and financial capital.

In this report, the Council and management share key messages and insights explaining MIA’s strategies, initiatives and impacts for the past year, demonstrating accountability and tone from the top. This report summarises our performance concisely and in a connected manner – as steered by our four strategic objectives and driven by our four enablers, which are mapped to our business model, stakeholders and impacts. Furthermore, we explain the data-driven risk assessments, material factors, market outlook and megatrends that inform and guide our strategies and actions.

To ensure the integrity of the information contained in this report, the Council exercised collective oversight of material developments, with sign-off via the Audit and Risk Management Committee. The Council opined that this report is aligned with the key principles in the IIRC IR Framework and also sought limited assurance under the IR Framework for the 2019 report.

We hope that this 2019 report is a step up in our IR journey and serves as a useful model and reference for other adopters of IR, especially those in emerging markets. Feedback on this report and further enquiries about our policies and practices are most welcome. We are happy to share that we have received positive feedback from the IIRC, IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) and AFA (ASEAN Federation of Accountants) on our 2019 IR. As enthusiastic IR practitioners, we are already working to address the gaps in this year’s IR and hope to share an improved IR for 2020.

Click HERE to download MIA’s Integrated Report 2019

For more information, contact [email protected]

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