Accountants Today is the official publication of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and is distributed to all members of the Institute.

Launched in August 2018, e-AT is the official online knowledge portal of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA).

e-AT carries high-level thought leadership content geared to upskilling and future-proofing accountants and the profession to support sustainable business. For easy reading, e-AT content is organised into seven key sections addressing the interests of the Malaysian accountancy profession: Regulatory, Leadership, Sustainability, Innovation, Technical, Professional Development and MIA News.

Since going live, e-AT has organically built up its readership and subscribers. e-AT prioritises an interactive format, whereby we encourage our readers to contribute ideas, content and feedback to enrich the profession’s discourse and advocacy. To make our content more lively and useful, users can access videos, interactive links and live links to Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media platforms as well as search tools on e-AT.

The views expressed in e-AT are not necessarily those of the MIA or its Council. Contributions including letters to the Editor and comments on articles appearing in the e-AT are welcome and should be sent to the Editor as addressed below. All content appearing in e-AT is without prejudice, copyright protected and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the Editor.

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We welcome feedback and commentary on e-AT content as well as relevant developments affecting members and the profession.

Email us at [email protected]

Dewan Akauntan
Unit 33-01, Level 33, Tower A, The Vertical, Avenue 3,
Bangsar South City, No.8 Jalan Kerinchi,
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel: 603-2722 9000
Fax: 603-2722 9100