Micro credentials are a growing trend in professional education and lifelong learning. Basically, these are competency-based certifications that enable talent to upskill in a chosen area, and they can be a suitable alternative to traditional longer programmes for time-scarce and cash-strapped learners.
As a leading advocate of digital business transformation for board and management executives as well as finance and accountancy professionals, MIA too is exploring micro credentialing as a platform to upskill and rightskill accountants in Malaysia with future-proof competencies e.g. robotic process automation, data analytics, digital leadership and change management, and blockchain.
As a key focus area for MIA is digital upskilling and transformation, MIA is now collaborating with other leaders in professional development and education to expand its range of continuing professional education (CPE) programmes and micro credentials geared towards Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) and digital economy. Micro credentialing is also aligned with the direction of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) that oversees educational standards – the MQA is a key stakeholder for MIA in the development and regulation of accountancy education.
In January 2020, MIA successfully completed its first joint programme with a Premier Digital Tech University, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) – the MIA-APU 3-day Professional Certificate in Digital Leadership (PCDL).
“This is aligned with our MIA Digital Technology Blueprint which encourages collaboration and partnership to hasten digital adoption and boost value creation and nation-building,” said MIA CEO Dr. Nurmazilah Dato’ Mahzan.
The PCDL aims to equip business leaders and executives with digital knowledge and skills to map and manage digital transformation of their organisations for better business performance.
Day 1 focused on the big picture of the digital economy and the developments disrupting organisations. Day 2 focused on digital strategy and data analytics, and transformation of the finance function using appropriate technologies. Day 3 focused on digital marketing strategies and managing talent in digital transformation.
At the end of the programme, participants were awarded with a Professional Certificate. They also shared the following takeaways:
- Boost in Awareness and Knowledge
The programme provided an excellent and simplified snapshot of the different components and aspects of digital transformation and the roadmap for digital transformation.
Participants said they now understand a great deal more about the theory and science behind digital transformation and the benefits for business organisations.
They are also now aware of the different digital tools in the market for marketing, analytics, financial statement analysis, audit planning, documentation and practice management to boost productivity and reduce human error.
The programme also effectively overcame their personal barriers and fears of digital disruption.
- Ease of Knowledge-sharing
Many participants noted that they will be sharing the roadmap and materials with their colleagues to accelerate implementation of their organisation’s digital roadmap.
- Continuous Learning
They welcomed the idea of follow-up workshops focusing on diverse industries to help guide the real-world implementation exercises.
- Needed – Management/Owner Mindset Change
Feedback from accountants in small and medium practices (SMPs) indicate that SMP owners and management’s resistance to change is the biggest stumbling block to digital transformation for SMPs that make up over 90% of the accountancy firms in Malaysia.
The 3rd MIA-APU Professional Certificate in Digital Leadership will be held from 9 – 11 March 2021 (Tuesday – Thursday) on MIA Webinar Series.
For more information please click HERE
G. Shanmugam, Executive Director of Strategy and Development, MIA welcomed the feedback and looked forward to further strengthening future programmes for digital competency building. “MIA is continually striving to support businesses and talent in digital transformation. We will integrate the feedback to further improve this professional certification programme to create and upskill agile executives who can lead and manage digital transformation in the IR4.0 economy.”