On 1 May 2020, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that the Government would implement a Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) effective 4 May 2020, during which a large portion of economic and social activities are allowed to resume subject to strict compliance of SOPs in controlling and containing the spread of COVID-19.

Taking into consideration of the safety of our staff and members and adhering to the Government’s call to minimise the movement of people from home to office and vice versa, MIA will reopen its office premises with minimal number of staff effective 12 May 2020.

MIA’s Schedule for Reopening of Office Premises

  • From 4 – 8 May 2020, MIA will conduct sanitisation exercises and take the necessary precautionary measures to prepare for the partial reopening of its office premises on 12 May 2020.
  • From 12 – 29 May 2020, MIA’s counter service will resume to attend to matters that cannot be dealt with online as part of our ongoing support to members and other stakeholders. There will be minimal internal operation that will be conducted in the office during this period. Other services will continue to be provided remotely.
  • From 30 May 2020 and beyond, MIA will update members and stakeholders in due course on its plan subject to further official announcements from the Government.
  • Regional offices will follow and operate according to the requirements set by the respective state authorities.

Stringent Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

To ensure the safety of our staff and visitors from 12 – 29 May 2020, MIA will implement stringent standard operating procedures (SOPs) as set by the Government and approved by MIA’s management as follows:

  • Temperature screening for all staff and visitors before they enter the office. If their temperature is high (37.5° C) or they present COVID-19-like symptoms (such as cough, sore throat or shortness of breath), MIA will advise them to go to the nearest clinic. They will not be allowed to enter the office.
  • Visitors are also required to complete the health declaration form.
  • To observe strict personal hygiene practices including wearing masks, practising social distancing and sanitisation.

As a regulatory body, MIA will support and adhere to the Government’s policies and announcements. As such members are strongly encouraged to avoid physical visits to MIA offices for the time being and continue liaising with MIA via virtual mode to reduce the risk of infection and maintain a safe environment.

MIA will continue to closely monitor the situation, maintain close communication with our stakeholders, and will notify members of any future developments. MIA would like to advise all members to comply with the CMCO and to practice stringent health standard operating procedures. We would also like to advise all our members who are employers to adhere to the relevant laws and regulations stipulated under the CMCO.

MIA continues to offer support through its various digital channels, including e-updates, e-Accountants Today and Social Media which provide essential resources, updates and guidance, including relevant information pertinent to our members and stakeholders.  Members are also encouraged to engage with the Institute via the MIA Telegram Channel. To join in the MIA Telegram Channel, please download Telegram using the Android Google Play or Apple Play Store to set up an account.  Once account is set-up, please click on this link below to join the MIA Telegram Broadcast (Official) channel: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFZbVqeUw2BQ9pvuhg.

For further information, our team will continue to be contactable via online channels. We thank you for your understanding and patience during this time and we hope that everyone will stay safe.

The MIA team is contactable via online channels as follow:

MIA team are contactable via online channels as follows:

CPE Audit: [email protected]

Complaints: [email protected]

CARE Programme: [email protected]

General Enquiries: [email protected]

Membership Matters: [email protected]

Member Firm: [email protected]

Practicing Certificate: [email protected]

Professional Development: [email protected]

Qualifying Examination: [email protected]

Regional Offices
Johor: [email protected]
Northern Region: [email protected]
Sabah: [email protected]
Sarawak: [email protected]

Technical Enquiries: https://member.mia.org.my


Dr Nurmazilah Dato’ Mahzan
Chief Executive Officer

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