Decisions of the Disciplinary Committee of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (‘Institute’) against members pursuant to Rule 18(1) of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (Disciplinary) Rules 2002.

Toh Seck Hoon (3692):

  1. as sole proprietor of Messrs Toh Seck Hoon had been punished and imposed a suspension of 18 months effective 1/2/2022, fine of RM5,000-00 and costs of RM4,000-00 by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 8/12/2021 for having acted as the sole bank signatory for Han Ai Consultancy Sdn Bhd (‘HAC’) from 14/2/2014 to 2/8/2016 for a current account maintained with a bank despite HAC being her audit client during the material period.
  2. as sole proprietor of Messrs Toh Seck Hoon had been punished and imposed a suspension of 12 months effective 1/2/2022 and fine of RM5,000-00 by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 8/12/2021 for having assumed the role as an auditor of HAC  from 2/11/2015 to 2/8/2016 despite knowing that her husband and son were appointed as directors of HAC on 2/11/2015.

Teo Meng Kwang (17197) had been punished and imposed a fine of RM2,000-00 and costs of RM4,000-00 by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 12/1/2022 for having undertaken the audit engagement for financial years 2017 to 2019 which were sub-contracted by Messrs K.S Ho & Co during the period from the fourth quarter of 2017 to 16/10/2019 when in fact, he does not possess a valid audit license issued by the relevant authority.

Lau Chin Park (6239) as the partner of Messrs. Park & Associates had been punished and imposed a suspension of 3 months effective 15/2/2022, fine of RM5,000-00, costs of RM5,000-00 and ordered to attend a course conducted by the Institute on Audit Quality Enhancement Programme by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 12/1/2022 after the Firm had been rated as ‘unsatisfactory’ as indicated in the Follow-up Review Report dated 9/2/2015 which detailed the weaknesses in the audit work performed.

Chuan Mun Ching (44795) as the director of CFKL Management Services Sdn. Bhd (‘Company’) had been punished and imposed a fine of RM4,000-00 and costs of RM4,000-00 by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 19/1/2022 for having had on or about 11/6/2020 advertised, promoted and/or represented in the Company’s website known as that the Company is in the business of offering, amongst others, auditing and tax services, which may lead the public at large to infer that she is qualified to offer auditing and tax services when in fact, she does not possess a valid audit and tax agent license issued by the relevant authority.

Wong Hoong Meng (25694) as the sole proprietor of a non-audit firm HM Wong & Co (‘Firm’) had been punished and imposed a fine of RM1,500-00 and costs of RM4,000-00 by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 10/2/2022 for failing to lodge the annual return of the Firm for the year 2020 by 31/1/2020 as required under the Institute’s By-Laws and had continuously failed to lodge the same, despite repeated reminders till the date a complaint was lodged against him.

Leong Yet Huey @ Yong Yet Huey (22282) as the director of E-Vision Consultancy Sdn Bhd had been punished and imposed a fine of RM1,000-00 and costs of RM4,000-00 by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 10/2/2022 for having undertaken the audit work sub-contracted by Messrs K.S Ho & Co to the Company which was controlled by her from 1/11/2012 to 31/8/2013 and from 1/2/2016 to 5/8/2019 when in fact she does not possess a valid practising certificate issued by the Institute nor a valid audit license issued by the relevant authority.

Kee Boon Hooi (22281) as the director of E-Vision Consultancy Sdn Bhd (‘Company’) had been punished and imposed a fine of RM3,000-00 and costs of RM4,000-00 by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 10/2/2022 for having undertaken the audit work sub-contracted by Messrs K.S Ho & Co to the Company which was controlled by him from 1/11/2012 to 31/8/2013 and from 1/2/2016 to 5/8/2019 when in fact he does not possess a valid audit license issued by the relevant authority.

Lee Kean Teong (6159) as the sole proprietor of Messrs. KTLee & Associates had been punished and imposed a suspension of 18 months effective 1/3/2022, fine of RM5,000-00, costs of RM4,000-00 and ordered to attend a course conducted by the Institute on Audit Quality Enhancement Programme by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 10/2/2022 after the Firm had been rated as ‘Type 4-Unsatisfactory’ as indicated in the Practice Review Report dated 10/3/2020 which detailed the weaknesses in the audit work performed.