MIA continually strives to maximise the value we can offer to our members, to ensure their relevance and marketability in the digitalisation era.

Our extensive and intensive continuing professional education (CPE) programmes that are aligned with the latest developments and global standards are essential to future-proofing our members.

Now, we are expanding the value of our CPE by collaborating with other leaders in professional education to offer a wider range of professional and future-oriented certifications to our members.

In 2020, we will offer our first joint programme with the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU), which will enable our members to tap into APU’s resources. This is aligned with our MIA Digital Technology Blueprint which encourages collaboration and partnership to hasten digital adoption.

The MIA-APU 3-day Professional Certificate in Digital Leadership (PCDL) executive programme is specially designed to equip leaders with digital leadership skills to manage digital transformation of their organisations. The programme will synergise experiential learning guided by leading industry experts with the latest digital leadership theories and corporate practices, delivering hands-on knowledge that executives can readily apply for effective transformation.

Day 1 focuses on:

  • the big picture of the digital economy and the developments disrupting organisations
  • leadership in the digital age
  • digital execution strategies, and
  • risks and rewards of digital maturity

Day 2 focuses on:

  • digital strategy and analytics, including big data, and
  • transformation of the finance function

Day 3 focuses on:

  • digital marketing strategies, and
  • managing talent in digital transformation

At the end of the programme, participants will be equipped with knowledge, best practices and tools for:

  • becoming an effective leader in the digital world,
  • planning and implementing a digital business transformation plan suited to each organisation’s context,
  • sorting the latest technology trends and potential applications for the organisation, including the finance function, and
  • responding to how digitalisation changes consumer decision-making as well as organisational and human behaviour

The 3rd MIA-APU Professional Certificate in Digital Leadership will be held from 9 – 11 March 2021 (Tuesday – Thursday) on MIA Webinar Series.

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