How Audit firms with Zero Clients Apply for Practice Review Exemption?

Pursuant to Paragraph (8) of Appendix VI of MIA By-Law, all members in public practice offering audit engagements are required to adhere to the standards as prescribed by the Institute.

Addressing Deficiencies in ISA 570 Going Concern Assessments

The concept of going concern is a fundamental assumption when it comes to preparing the financial statements of a company.

Plugging the Gaps in the Audit of Biological Assets (Republished)

Auditors are expected to exercise a high degree of vigilance when conducting the audit of biological assets, an area where subjectivity, judgements and estimates abound.

Less Complex Entities (LCE) Standard: A Panacea for A Cost-Effective Audit?

The long-awaited, separate, standalone, proposed International Standard on Auditing for Audits of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities (ISA for LCE) which is based on the core requirements of the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)…

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Accounting Transactions to Enhance Audit Quality

Rachel Grimes, former International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) President said that “technology will go on helping to burnish (enhance) the profession’s credentials as a trusted adviser.” She called for the profession to continue adopting and implementing emerging technologies or otherwise being left stranded on the sidelines.

Practice Review: Key Findings on “Leadership Responsibilities for Quality within the Audit Firm”

“Leadership Responsibilities for Quality within the Audit Firm” represents the first element for system of quality control as prescribed in the International Standard on Quality Control 1 (ISQC 1).

Audit Committee Conference 2021

Governance is becoming more complex and challenging in the COVID-19 new normal, as audit committees can surely attest.

Plugging the Gaps in the Audit of Biological Assets

Auditors are expected to exercise a high degree of vigilance when conducting the audit of biological assets, an area where subjectivity, judgements and estimates abound.

MIA Spearheads Electronic Bank Confirmation Platform Integral to MIA’s Strategy to Advocate Audit Digitisation

Engaging Audit Talent Better

MIA’s high-level talent roundtable sought to understand the audit workplace and talent engagement strategies across firms of different sizes.