MIA Member Satisfaction Survey 2022

The Institute is continually seeking ways to enhance the value proposition of the profession.

Scalability: How Did the International Standards on Quality Management (ISQM) 1 Deal With This Issue?

At the onset, the ISQM project team had identified two important elements that the new standard aimed to enhance, noting limitations of the extant International Standards on Quality Control (ISQC) 1…

Technology Adoption by the Accountancy Profession Survey 2022

The first Technology Adoption by the Accountancy Profession Survey (Survey) was conducted in 2017 which has served as input to the MIA Digital Technology Blueprint (Blueprint)…

MPERS: Common Issues on Consolidation

Since the Malaysian Private Entities Reporting Standard (MPERS) became effective in Malaysia in 2015, we have received various accounting queries on consolidation through our technical queries facility…

Treatment of Contingent Liabilities in a Solvency Test

In frequently asked questions regarding the treatment of contingent liabilities in a solvency test under the Companies Act 2016 (CA2016), the following issue often comes up.

Sustainability Reporting in the Public Sector: The Way Forward

As sustainability issues gain momentum, there is increasing interest in sustainability reporting.

Quality Improvement Through QAP Amidst the Pandemic: Sharing of Insights from CWC & ENG PLT

Despite facing challenges to sustain operations during the pandemic, the quest for continuous quality improvement was not forgotten by CWC & ENG PLT.

Addressing the Perceived Quality Control Issues of the Financial Reporting Function of Reporting Entities

Concerned by the perceived high level of stress among audit professionals in Malaysia, MIA took the initiative to conduct two surveys to provide insights into the quality control environment…

Quality Assessment Programme: Common Findings of the Firm-level and Engagement-level Review

The Quality Assessment Programme (QAP) is a structured voluntary review of audit firms, a collaborative effort by MIA and The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) with the aim of improving audit quality.

CPE Compliance – Observations & Common Pitfalls

Evolutionary changes are taking place throughout the accounting profession, with far-reaching impacts.